Dear woman,
I promise, you don’t have to be at the mercy of a doctor that offers you antidepressants or birth control for every symptom, taking random supplements, self-medicating with wine or weed, or doom googling your symptoms.
There is a better way that restores your vitality, brings your systems into balance and takes the whole you into account.
You got here because your anxiety and hormone imbalance symptoms are out of hand and you can’t take living like this anymore.
You are ready for the SOLUTION.
I get it. You’ve tried it ALL. Even the “natural” stuff.
The supplements, medications, therapy, detoxes, cleanses, diets, acupuncture, muscle testing, chiropractic, energy healing, affirmations, tapping, cold plunging and sauna, pilates and yoga classes and maybe even microdosing….
But you still feel like something foundational is OFF.
You know you shouldn’t feel so sensitive to the most minor stressors and be in fight or flight every day.
You know you shouldn’t be dissociating on the regular.
You desire more peace, more energy and more zest for life.
And you are quite tired of feeling this way only to go to the doctor and hear “Everything looks normal, try this antidepressant” when your doctor goes over your labs with you.
Here’s Why Most Women Feel Stuck…
Conventional medicine has its place but it’s not here. Your conventional doctor’s idea of lab work may have been limited, which leaves you feeling like a lost cause because they are offering you a last resort solution without even doing the bare minimum investigation.
You still don’t have answers to why your symptoms are happening, told your “labs are normal” and you are denied further workup and given a pill as a band-aid.
But you don’t want to just pop a pill….
You want a real SOLUTION, not side effects.
The fact that you’re still reading this tells me you are the kind of person who takes action when it comes to your health.
But unfortunately you have not been met with the same level of dedication from your doctors or anyone else peddling a solution online.
You need a comprehensive workup to investigate the root cause of your symptoms. It's not enough to run a few labs and say that everything looks normal.
Your symptoms are real, and you deserve a doctor who will investigate until they find the answer.
Generic supplement and diet advice and random holistic treatments are problematic because they are not addressing the Root Cause.
If your gut is inflamed, you aren’t even absorbing all of the beneficial things you are taking and the inflammation from your gut is going to continue to affect your brain and hormones.
If you’re in a mineral and vitamin deficiency or excess it will be hard for you to make hormones and neurotransmitters that balance your mood. If you don’t know what specific supplements you need for your unique body based on your labs you might be taking something that’s making you feel worse.
If your nervous system is dysregulated it doesn’t matter how clean you eat or what supplements you take.
You KNOW there’s an explanation that is unique to YOU.
Deep down you feel that there are imbalances In Your Body that can’t be fixed with a single pill.
They are affecting how you are feeling emotionally throughout the month and how you are showing up everyday in your life.
None of the things you’ve tried worked (random supplements, clean) because they did not address the ROOT CAUSE.
And how would you even know how to address what your doctor can’t?
You wouldn’t.
Because you were never told this information, and honestly, neither was your doctor. What you have always needed was a personalized plan that addresses the whole unique you.
Therapy is great, but it won’t address an underlying imbalance rooted in your gut, hormones or vitamin and mineral status.
And talk therapy will do little for a dysregulated nervous system stuck in fight or flight.
You can talk yourself in circles without a solution that is ROOTED IN THE BODY.
Many women come to me who have been working with a therapist and feel that there is something off in their body.
Here, we pay attention to the body and it’s needs because we know the body keeps the score and holds the solutions.
It’s not fair that you have been doing so much for your health and you aren’t seeing results.
It’s confusing and exhausting,
The search for solutions ends when you discover the Root Cause
This looks like…
Addressing the foundations of your health through comprehensive testing and symptom analysis. We formulate a plan that is specific to you, because your body and your labs look different than anyone else's.
Because I've seen this in so many women, I created Mind Body Freedom to help you resolve anxiety and hormone imbalance symptoms like mood swings and low energy through addressing the foundations-gut health, nutrient balancing and nervous system regulation.
As much as journaling, therapy and exercise can help, we both know that these things are not going to fix your symptoms. You have learned that by now.
I developed my framework after 8 years of school and over 5 years of experience as a doctor working with hundreds of women. I have taken pieces here and there from my mentors, trainings, education and my clinical experience and synthesized it into my own unique methodology that is unlike any other.
My framework helps you because we go deep into labs to uncover what's causing your inability to absorb nutrients. We understand what is going on in your gut and target that specifically to your needs. We test for deficiencies in your labs so we can customize your nutrition and supplmentation. We address your nervous system’s affect on the other systems in your body and vice versa so that you can handle stress with resilience and ease. Overtime, you’ll notice anxiety lessen, hormones feel calm, inflammation go down and energy go up.
These are things that your conventional doctor will never do. You wouldn't go to a plumber if you wanted to work on the electrical system in your house.
I genuinely care about your health and I take it very seriously, You will NOT be brushed off.
Hi, I’m dr. allie mclane
I’m a Naturopathic Doctor and Women’s Health Expert.
I’ve worked with hundreds of women to resolve the root cause of their symptoms such as PMS, fatigue, anxiety, depression, digestive problems and more. Over the years, I discovered that women struggling with REAL hormonal and mental health symptoms were missing the vital emphasis of the BODY in their care and were instead being brushed off by the system, told it’s all in their head and handed a pill.
But truly, what we think is a phenomenon of the mind is actually quite often rooted in the body-in a trauma, in a deficiency, in a toxicity, in an inflammatory state or in a hormonal miscommunication.
A holistic approach means addressing your WHOLE BODY’S PHYSIOLOGY from toxins to nutrient status to gut health to hormones, but also addressing nervous system dysregulation, so that your body can have a felt sense of safety while you heal.
When I seek to understand the body, I can best support the body in doing what it already knows how to do. I’ve helped hundreds of women using my body first methodology. This is what led me to create MIND BODY FREEDOM.
“my body and mind have felt calmer than they have in 10 years. I don’t feel scattered, in a rush, etc. I feel like I can finally make rational decisions + regulate my emotions.
thank you thank you thank you!! ”
mind body freedom
A 1:1 health membership designed to bring you symptom resolution and a felt sense of balance and calm in your body, using methods that address BOTH the body and the mind. You’ll receive education, continuous support, comprehensive lab testing, and personalized nutrient and lifestyle recommendations to address the body based root of your symptoms.
How many times have you heard your doctor say “everything is fine” or “your labs are normal”, when you can FEEL that things are not fine?
How many times have you been offered a prescription for anti-depressants, birth control pills and/or other symptom blocking medication, with zero root cause investigation of your symptoms?
How many times have you been denied a comprehensive lab workup by your conventional doctor?
That ends here.
I believe in treating the root cause and the whole person, using principles rather than protocols. If you truly wish to resolve anxiety and hormone imbalance without being depenedent on medications, substances or loads of supplements, you must take a multisystemic, body based approach.
What You Will Achieve:
✔Learn how to regulate your nervous system so that you can say goodbye to anxiety and achieve a calm state of being
✔Get your personalized lab work with expert interpretation so that you know which supplements are absolutely necessary to take to correct the deficiencies and excesses contributing to your hormonal and anxiety symptoms
✔Understand your lab work so you know the WHY behind your symptoms and HOW to resolve them so you can play an active role in feeling the best you’ve felt in years with increased energy and mental clarity
✔Learn how to nourish your gut and uncover any hidden sources of inflammation or infection so you can heal your gut once and for all and eat for amazing digestive health (and no, it’s not a super restrictive diet)
✔Learn to lifestyle routines and personalized nutrition and supplementation so that you can have healthy hormones, which will give you a healthy period, balanced moods, amazing sleep and boundless energy
✔ Regulate and balance the systems in your body so that you can eventually eliminate the need for substances like weed and alcohol or medications to control the symptoms of your anxiety and hormone imbalances
Our Lab Approach
Finally stop the guessing game.
Understand what is going on in your body with comprehensive labs so you can start feeling better with a targeted plan.
Comprehensive Bloodwork
We look into biomarkers that affect your energy, hormones, neurotransmitter activity and mood, inflammation levels and more.
Stool Test
This test gives a glimpse into the health of your gut from your microbiome-both “good” and “bad” bugs, as well as inflammation markers which can affect everything from your hormones, digestion, inflammation, immune system and mood.
Saliva Cortisol
This test gives a glimpse into how your body is responding to stress and what phase of stress you are in so we can personalize your lifestyle and supplementation to bring you into balance.
And a personalized plan based on your unique needs identified in your labs
“Thank you SO much Dr. Allie! I feel so supported and cared for having this game plan in place. You really go above and beyond and care about your patients. ”
what people are saying…
What ‘s Included
✔ 4 1-on-1 Naturopathic care video visits with Dr. Allie so that you are fully seen, heard and supported with expert eyes on your case consistently
✔ 4 months of unlimited messaging support with Dr. Allie so that you are never left in the dark and you are supported throughout your healing journey.
✔ Stool test, comprehensive blood panel through Labcorp (Hormones, minerals, vitamins and more) and a choice of a Cortisol Test or HTMA to get to the root cause of your symptoms
✔ 25% off all practitioner grade supplements
✔ Personalized meal plans to help you be successful in healing your gut and regulating your hormones
✔ Personalized treatment plans utilizing lifestyle medicine, nervous system regulation techniques and personalized nutrition and supplementation based on your goals, your labs and your symptoms
✔ Unwavering support in your health restoration process
How it works:
1. Book a complimentary consult call
Find out what might be at the root cause of your symptoms and learn more about what we can achieve together if we decide we are a good fit to work together. I want you to be successful and will only work with you if I know I can help you and I know you are serious about taking action.
2. Initial 1:1 Deep dive
Our first video call! I create a safe and non-judgemental space for you to share your whole story, the one your doctor never had time to listen to. Every detail matters so that no stone is left unturned. Truly addressing your health involves getting to know the WHOLE you.
3. Get a blood draw and mail in your at-home labs
You’ll go to Labcorp to have you blood drawn and your hair and stool lab kits are sent directly to your house. After collecting your samples, you will send them back to the lab afterwards. We receive the results within a few weeks and will build your plan based on the data we find together.
4. Meet again 1:1, go over all of the labs in depth And receive your personalized plan, and then meet 2 more times to fine tune
Our first follow-up is an in-depth lab review where we connect the dots of root causes and formulate a strategic and actionable plan to get you feeling better ASAP. You are going to learn SO much about your body and will FINALLY have an explanation for all of your symptoms. This is followed by by 2 more 1:1 meetings to fine tune your plan. We start with layer 1, which is usually gut healing, followed by layer 2, mineral balancing, nutrient and herbal therapies and nervous system lifestyle work.