
Naturopathic Medicine for Women

regulate your Hormones

Release Anxiety

AND feel Vitality in your body

Through an approach that addresses your bioindividuality


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Dear Woman,

I get it. You’ve tried it ALL.

The supplements, medications, therapy, detoxes, muscle testing, chiropractic, energy healing, diets, cold plunging and sauna, pilates and yoga classes and maybe even microdosing….

But you still feel like something foundational is OFF. You know you shouldn’t feel so sensitive to the most minor stressors and be in fight or flight every day. You shouldn’t be dissociating on the regular. You know you should have more energy and zest for life.

And you are quite tired of feeling this way only to go to the doctor and hear “everything looks normal, try this antidepressant” when your doctor goes over your labs with you. You don’t want to just pop a pill. You want a real SOLUTION.

You KNOW there’s an explanation. You feel deep down that there are imbalances IN YOUR BODY that are affecting how you are feeling emotionally throughout the month and how you are showing up everyday in your life.

None of the above mentioned things worked because they did not address the ROOT CAUSE. What you need is a personalized plan that addresses the foundations of your health based on comprehensive testing and symptom analysis.


our solution to your symptoms:

we build your health and resiliency by focusing on the Foundations In Your Body- your Gut Health, Nutrient Status and your Nervous System.


how we’ll work together

mind body freedom

My signature 1:1 health membership for women who are ready to address the root cause of their anxiety and hormone imbalances using comprehensive lab testing, mind body medicine and personalized naturopathic support tailored to your unique needs.

You will receive a high-level of personalized support to address the underlying causes of your anxiety, fatigue, IBS, painful and irregular periods and PMS/PMDD and more informed by the principles of naturopathic medicine.





I’m Dr. Allie McLane

Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and gut, hormone and mood specialist for women

I help women resolve the root cause of their anxiety, fatigue, PMS/PMDD, bloating, stress and burnout, digestive issues and female hormone imbalances using comprehensive testing and root cause analysis to inform personalized treatment plans